We’re Maddy Cole and Ursula Tavender, co-founders of The Inclusive Workplace.
Between us we have five absolutely amazing small humans and every single thing we do is with the future of their generation in mind.
We jointly run The Inclusive Workplace and our mission is to change the world of work for everyone by making building an inclusive workplace easier for organisations, people leaders and teams so that one day, no-one will be excluded from career opportunities because of their personal circumstances.
Powerful personal experiences of navigating the careers we adore while managing mental and physical health challenges and parenting young children illuminated to us the millions of talented professionals currently excluded from participating fully in the UK workforce and the profound need for urgent workplace evolution.
Now driven by our relentless, fiery determination that every person deserves equal access to career opportunities, every aspect of our work is geared towards supporting companies to embrace flexible and more inclusive ways of working and achieve a true shift in culture so that more people – regardless of their role, circumstances or working pattern – can stay and progress at work. C
We also participate in a number of influential government groups including the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Future of Work to help shape a more human future of work
We write, speak, comment and campaign for business change on the issues of closing the gender pay gap, flexible working and the future of work.
It is our greatest hope that our children will walk into a world of work with significantly fewer barriers than those we’ve faced. Join us for the ride!

Everything we do is driven by our values
We act bravely and with integrity to change the world of work for the lasting benefit of everyone now and for generations to come.
We do this work for and with our families, understanding that family comes first. Time with family energises and motivates us.
We believe in the need to create fairness and inclusivity for everyone, and we’re driven by our determination to make a positive impact.
We build and nurture real, wholehearted relationships, share our learning and believe collaboration makes us more successful.
We love our work and have fun doing it. We prioritise our wellbeing and the things that nourish us.