Delegate Terms and Conditions
The Inclusive Workplace Conference 2024 

1. General 

1.1 The Event Organiser (‘Organiser’) is Flexpro Limited T/A The Inclusive Workplace. 

1.2 A booking will be confirmed within two (2) working days by email (‘Registration Confirmation’). If you do not receive your Registration Confirmation within this time, please contact the Organiser to confirm your booking. 

1.3 The Event name, date and location is defined in your Registration Confirmation and is referred to in these terms & conditions as ‘the Event.’ 

1.4 By booking your place at the Event set out in your Registration Confirmation, you are entering into a binding agreement. 

2. Payment 

Payment must be received by credit/ debit card at the time of booking. Full payment must be received in cleared funds no less than two working days before the Event takes place or we reserve the right to refuse entry. 

3. Delegate information 

3.1 Prior to the Event you will be invited to select the sessions at the Event that you would like to attend and the contacts you would like to meet during the Event, subject to availability.  

3.2 Prior to the Event you will receive links to the Event agenda, speaker profiles, session information and confirmation of meetings you have requested.  

3.3 The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to any individual suspected of undertaking sales related activity. Any visitors found to be distributing literature, ‘pitching’ or selling products or services at the event, will be escorted from the event by members of the organising team and venue staff. 

4. Cancellation policy 

4.1 All cancellations must be made by email to the contact email address on the Registration Confirmation and must be received within the defined timeframe defined in clause 4.2. 

4.2 You may cancel one or more delegate place(s) at the Event on your booking at any time. If cancellation is more than thirty one (31) days before the Event date as set out in your Registration Confirmation, we will, at your option, accept a substitute delegate at no extra cost (see clause 9) or refund 75% of the applicable delegate fee. If cancellation is on or less than thirty one (31) days before the Event date, as set out in your Registration Confirmation, a substitute delegate will be accepted but no refund will be given. 

4.3 Please note that a ‘non-attending delegate’ who has paid their registration fee will be deemed to be a cancellation. The delegate will not be refunded for not attending. Please also note we will not permit the transfer of delegate places from one event to another in the event of non-attendance. 

5. Free of charge delegate cancellation policy 

If you have registered as a free of charge delegate, you are committed to attending the Event. If you can no longer attend, you must notify us no later than twenty one (21) days prior the date of the Event. Thereafter, if you do not attend, or fail to send a replacement of similar seniority, you will be charged one hundred and ninety-nine pounds GB sterling (£199), or equivalent value in the currency of the registration process for the Event in question. This does not apply to the guests of sponsors. 

6. Substitution delegates 

6.1 If any delegate is unable to attend the Event we may accept a substitute delegate at no extra cost, provided: 

(i) You notified the Organiser by email to the address on the Registration Confirmation with the name, job title, email address and telephone number of both the registered and substitute delegate(s) no later than five (5) working days before the Event; and 

(ii) Such substituted delegate is not residing in a prohibited country or otherwise prohibited in accordance with any of the sanction regimes of the European Union, United Kingdom, United Nations or United States of America’s regulatory authorities or any other applicable local regional sanctions. 

6.2 The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to the substituted delegate(s) if notification is not received in advance as per provisions of these terms and conditions. Please also advise if a visa invitation letter is required and whether the substitute delegate(s) has any special dietary or access requirements. 

7. General Data Protection Regulations 

7.1 By registering for the Event you allow the Organiser to list your company logo on its website as attending the conference. You also allow the Organiser to list you in the attendee lists (identified by job title and company only) both for upcoming Events you are attending, and previous Event(s) you have attended. No other personal information, such as name, email, will be shared. If you would prefer not to be listed on the website or these documents, please confirm by email to address on the Registration Confirmation within 48 hours of registering. 

7.2 At certain times, the Organiser may need to send a more detailed attendee list to the Event sponsors to allow them to request seating assignments and send appropriate representation. On these occasions, your first and last name, job title, and company will be shared. No contact information will be shared. This information will be shared over a secure and private platform. 

7.3 The Organiser reserves the right to withhold all or some details concerning attendees of the Event where the Organiser determines it is necessary to do so to comply with its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations. 

7.4 The attendee acknowledges that the Organiser may pass on the attendee’s contact details to third party suppliers engaged by the Organiser in connection with the Event who may contact the attendees directly to offer to the attendees ancillary services relating to the Event. In all instances of data usage, the Organiser will comply with the processing of data as permitted under the GDPR and its own policy as set out in the Flexpro Limited Privacy Policy which can be found here.  

  1. 8. Information about how we may share your data with our sponsors

This event may be sponsored. We may make available our registrants’ name, job title, company, email address and selected demographics to all our sponsors. This is in our and our sponsors’ legitimate business interests: it allows us to attract the most appropriate sponsors for the events and to facilitate business-to-business communication between our sponsors and our registrants during and after our events. Our sponsors may contact you about their products and services. 

  1. Information about how we may share your data with our exhibitors

Registrants may be issued with a bar coded name badge on entry to the event. Exhibitors may have bar code readers. We will share your name, job title, company, email address, telephone and selected demographic information you have provided us with during the registration process for the Event with exhibitors with your consent. You can demonstrate your consent by scanning your badge at an exhibitor’s stand. Allowing your badge to be scanned is akin to handing over a business card. If you scan an exhibitor’s code reader, that exhibitor may contact you about their products and services. 

10. Travel and accommodation 

It is delegates’ responsibility to take out appropriate insurance to cover travel and other activities related to the Event. The Organiser accepts no responsibility for travel, accommodation or other expenses incurred as a consequence of cancellation or postponement of the Event. The Organiser accepts no liability for any other loss, including incidental or consequential loss, in excess of the amount paid for the Event. 

11. Delegates’ liabilities 

You hereby accept liability for all your acts or omissions at the Event venue and undertake to indemnify the Organiser and keep the Organiser indemnified against all liability in respect thereof and against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever, which may be taken or made against the Organiser or incurred or become payable by them arising there from or in respect thereof including any legal costs and expenses and any compensation costs and disbursements paid by us on the advice of Counsel to compromise or settle any such claims. 

12. Alteration and cancellation by the Organiser 

It may be necessary to alter the Venue and content of the Event, or the timing of the programme. If the Organiser cancels the Event for any reason, a full refund of any booking fees paid will be made. If the date or location of the Event is altered, the booking will be transferred to the revised date and these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the transferred booking. 

13. Security 

13.1 All participants are always asked to wear their badges throughout the conference where supplied. Badge holders must not allow their badges to be worn by anyone else. Any failure to comply with the foregoing is likely to lead to the badge holder and the person wearing the badge being removed from the conference. 

13.2 Anyone obtaining a conference delegate or exhibitor badge by theft, deception or other illegal means will be asked to leave conference. 

13.3 No one under the age of 18 is permitted to attend the Event unless they have obtained the prior written consent of the Organisers. 

13.4 Anyone attending the Event must not be involved in any activity which may disrupt the Event. Such activity may include participating in demonstrations, objectionable behaviour or wearing offensive apparel. 

13.5 The Organiser reserves the right to exclude or remove anyone from the Event and venue who does not comply with this policy or who they reasonably consider is likely to break these rules or who is prohibited from attending under any applicable sanctions, laws or regulations. 

14. Photographer & filming 

Official Event photographers may be taking photographs and filming videos at the Event. Anyone attending the Event consents to such photography and filming without compensation and confirms that the Organiser shall be entitled to use such photographs and videos, which may include photographs and videos of visitors, for the purpose of marketing conferences in the future, for exploitation in any and all media, without liability. No other photography or filming will be permitted at the Event without the prior written approval of the Organiser. 

15. Recording 

At times, the audio for presentations may be recorded, and sessions may be filmed. Unless otherwise informed by the presenter, footage or quotes from sessions may be used in social media posts and/or in marketing efforts in the future, for exploitation in any and all media, without liability. No other recording will be permitted at the Event without the prior written approval of the Organiser. 

16. Governing law 

This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. 

17. Jurisdiction 

Each Party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).